Electrohydraulic adaptive hydropulse system





adaptation, electrohydraulic system, Taylor series, iteration, pneumatic accumulator, hydropulse system, control range


The results of researches of functioning of electrohydraulic adaptive hydropulse system with definition of optimum range of energy of charging of the hydropneumatic accumulator are resulted. Based on the Taylor series, differential-difference transformations were synthesized and an iterative cycle was calculated and implemented on a computer to calculate the motion of a hydraulic hammer, which is characterized by dependences that reflect dynamic processes in accordance with the hydrohammer operation cycle. The range of regulation of energy of charging depending on the course of the conjugated boi-ka and the valve within 1,7 ... 3,05 kJ is established; and the volume of the pneumatic accumulator chamber is 2.6 ... 3.05 kJ. Maximum values of control ranges, respectively: 1.35 kJ and 0.45 kJ. To determine the control parameters of the adaptation process experimentally, within the industrial tests of the variant of the hydropulse system of impact on the oil well collector, it was found that the stabilization of oscillations from the pulse action, depending on the working environment, is achieved in 10-15 s. The developed electrohydraulic adaptive hydropulse system is recommended for introduction into production.


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