


electricity market, power system, hydroelectric power station, frequency recovery reserve, frequency maintenance reserve


The main requirements for the volume of ancillary services in the IPS of Ukraine are considered. In particular, the requirements for the frequency maintenance reserve and frequency recovery reserves. The influence of renewable energy sources (RES) on the balance of production and consumption of electricity is shown. The place of hydroelectric power plants in the modern conditions of functioning of the IPS of Ukraine and the structure of the ancillary services market  is considered. It is shown that in fact, according to the existing structure of production facilities in the IPS of Ukraine, only HPP and HPSP units are able to balance the fast-changing load schedule of renewable energy sources due to their high maneuverability. Features of operation of HPP units in normal and emergency modes are given. Prospects for the development of ancillary services in the IPS of Ukraine are identified. The need to update the regulatory framework was noted according to the results of the analysis of the peculiarities of the functioning of the IPS of Ukraine,. It is noted that it is necessary to clarify the Transmission System Code in terms of updating the requirements for the minimum required reserves for frequency control in the IPS of Ukraine given the growing share of unregulated RES in the structure of production capacity. Some measures are proposed to increase the level of operational security of regimes in the conditions of further development of RES and plans for synchronization of UES of Ukraine with ENTSO-E energy systems.


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