solarenergy, solarpanels, tracker, solar tracking system, energy efficiency.Abstract
The development of "green" energy in Ukraine involves an increasingof the amount of electricity generated by photovoltaic modules (PMs). However, PMs have disadvantages associated with the inconsistency of electric generation in time due to the diurnal and annual motion of the Sun and to the shading of the modules. In order to maintain steady generation during the day and the year, there are two ways to minimize the impact of these factors.First one is to install an excess capacity which means higher cost of the solar plant and using an additional area.Second one isto apply a system of orientation PMs perpendicular to the sun's rays.
In the article three cases of solar panels installation are considered: usinga two-axistracking system, using aheight tracking system and anazimuth tracking system. There wasgiven the method and algorithms of calculation and analysis the parameters of theuniaxialand biaxial tracking system when installed in Kyiv.The algorithm involves calculation the coordinates of Sun in any moment of time for the considered location, pass-through and absorptive capacityof the protective glass, estimation the amount of the direct and diffuse solar radiation and their impact on the total radiation on the surface of the photoconverter. There was made an estimation of energy usage efficiency levels for the considered systemsusing the proposed algorithm.
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