esidential apartment building, energy efficiency, energy certification, specific energy consumption, energy efficiency class.Abstract
One of the most serious problems of the housing and communal state is the inefficient use of energy resources. The condition of the enclosing structures of buildings does not meet current standards, and internal engineering networks are outdated and in need of modernization. The cost of maintaining the construction fund in Ukraine is several times higher than in European countries. Given Ukraine's energy dependence, increasing the energy efficiency of housing is an extremely important issue. One of the direct reforms in construction is the introduction of new energy efficiency standards in the regulatory framework, as well as the introduction of mandatory energy certification of buildings with the specified energy efficiency class. At the same time, the requirements for the level of housing quality and comfort in buildings are growing. The purpose of the study is to analyze the specific energy consumption of new residential buildings (starting in 2019) and a comparative assessment of energy consumption per capita for different cities in Ukraine and other countries. The study was conducted on the basis of statistical data and data from energy certificates for residential buildings provided in the Unified State System in the field of construction. The class of energy efficiency in the energy certificate is determined by certified energy auditors, taking into account European approaches to the calculation of energy consumption for different needs of buildings. With the entry into force of the Law of Ukraine "On Energy Certification of Buildings", the development of an energy certificate has become mandatory for new buildings, state-owned buildings, local government buildings and in case of attracting public funds for thermal modernization of buildings. The study also examined other social aspects, in particular, the results of assessing the ability of the population of Ukraine to pay for utilities and the level of quality of housing conditions in households.
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