bachelor's degree, education, electrical engineering, electrical energy, electrical engineering, energy management, energy-efficient technologies, graduate student, master's degree, power supply systems.Abstract
The concept of the "green" energy transition involves, first of all, the transformation of views on the development of energy, in particular, the electric power industry in the context of its greening and decarbonization, with special attention to the problems of combating climate change within the framework of the sustainable development paradigm. Such a transformation requires the education of high-quality electrical enguneers, who are aware of the new role and place of the consumer in the liberalized electricity markets within the Smart Grid concept. End-to-end three-level training at the Department of Power Supply of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute bachelors, masters (professional and scientists) and Ph.D. during the 25 years under the educational and professional programs "Systems for providing consumers with electrical energy" and "Energy management and energy-efficient technologies" specialty 141 "Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics" in the field of knowledge 14 "Electrical engineering" made it possible to provide industrial, energy, communal, commercial and other companies and organizations, as well as authorities and local self-governments of Ukraine with qualified specialists in the power supply of the built environment, industrial enterprises and agricultural objects and energy managers, capable of jointly solving complex the task of reliable electricity supply to consumers with high-quality electrical energy with the introduction of energy-efficient technologies, reduction of the use of fossil fuels and reduction of harmful emissions on the basis of sustainable development.
KPI. The first century: Hist. review / Author-editor: V.I. Likhovodov et al. - K.: Taki pravy, 2007. - 384 p.: ill. ISBN 978-966-96222-9-8.
Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management. Specialties and departments: Directory / Outline. MA. Denisenko, E.M. Inshekov, V.P. Kalinchyk et al. - K.: Polytechnic Polytechnic Institute, 2001. - 240 p. ISBN 966-622-077-6.
Systems of providing consumers with electrical energy. Educational and professional program of the first (bachelor) level of higher education in the specialty 141 "Electric power, electrical engineering and electromechanics" in the field of knowledge 14 "Electrical engineering" / Developed by the project group: V.V. Tkachenko (head of the project group), O.V. Kotsar , Yu.V. Chernetska, D.V. Filyanin, Yu.F. Tesik, K.M. Lyakhova. 2022. – K.: KPI named after Igor Sikorsky - 17 p. URL:
Energy management and energy-efficient technologies. Educational and professional program of the first (bachelor) level of higher education in the specialty 141 "Electric power, electrical engineering and electromechanics" in the field of knowledge 14 "Electrical engineering" / Developed by the project group: D.G. Derevyanko (head of the project group), O.O. Zakladnyi, A.V. Chernyavskyi, O.V. Ovdienko, Yu.E. Onishchenko. 2022. – K.: KPI named after Igor Sikorsky - 24 p. URL:
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