energy system, power supply system, electric load management, reliability, gas generator, distributed generation, cogeneration.Abstract
Targeted attacks on the unified energy system of Ukraine have led to its significant destruction. Currently, about 50% of the country's energy infrastructure has been destroyed. Despite this, the system, thanks to the professional, heroic, desperate efforts of industry specialists, continues to work and feed end consumers. Also, one cannot but take into account the high level of reliability of the system, which is manifested in a significant number of generation sources dispersed throughout the territory of Ukraine and a high level of redundancy of connections between the system elements. Nevertheless, the military actions have shown the weaknesses ("bottlenecks") of the united energy system of Ukraine, including the high level of dependence of heat supply services on the availability of electricity. Thus, the concept of a new, "victorious" energy system of Ukraine is needed, in the composition and form of which all the advantages and disadvantages of the existing system, best practices of industry experts, and state-of-the-art technologies will be taken into account. This article is devoted to some issues of restoring the energy sector of Ukraine on the principles of redundancy and controllability. The article proposes a control system for end-user electrical appliances.
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