electric vehicle; SWOT analysis, development prospects; sustainable mobility.Abstract
An analysis of the prospects for the development of electric transport and its integration into the energy system in the conditions of Ukraine was carried out using strategic planning methods. It was found that the transport sector in Ukraine has a significant impact on the environment, is one of the most energy-consuming sectors of the economy, and, in addition, transport with internal combustion engines is a significant factor in increasing dependence on imported fuel due to a steady and significant demand for petroleum products. Instead, it is electric transport and technologies for its interaction with the power system that are one of the key technologies that offer great potential for mitigating the effects of climate change. Thus, at the current stage, there is an urgent need to develop a stable policy of promoting these technologies, for which it is necessary to determine and compare the features of the policy of integration of electric vehicles and the energy system in the conditions of Ukraine. This study uses a qualitative strategic planning methodology using a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis to take into account as much as possible the multifaceted activities and initiatives related to the development of electric transport and its infrastructure while integrating them into the power system. The research conducted reveals problems related to the impact of electric vehicle charging on the power system, for example, the inability to provide for increased energy needs or to limit the electrical load of the electric vehicle charging infrastructure. On the other hand, a high percentage of the share of RES, increasing social awareness of climate change and lowering the prices of electric vehicles can provide the necessary opportunities for the development of electric transport in the conditions of Ukraine.
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