hydrodynamic instability, modernization, system, nuclear power plantAbstract
The main reason for the hydrodynamic instability in the start-up mode of the pumps of the high-pressure reactor makeup system is related to the inertial delay in the reaction of the pump head and rate to rapid changes in operating parameters (flow rates, pressure, etc.).The consequences of the hydrodynamic instability in the high-pressure reactor makeup system can be: violation of the conditions for compensating the flow of possible leaks; hydro- and thermal "shocks" and other negative effects in the operating and emergency modes of the reactor.The control armature does not prevent the conditions for the hydrodynamic instability in the transient mode of pump start-up.
An alternative approach to modernizing the high-pressure reactor makeup system with damping devices is proposed. Based on the performed modelling of the modernized system, the conditions and constructional and technical requirements for the prevention of the hydrodynamic instability in the transient modes of pump start-up were determined.
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