electricity, economy, nuclear energy, heat energy, energy efficiency.Abstract
This article studies the future development of the energy industry with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Three different options for planning the use of electricity-generating enterprises and determining the most optimal for the environment and economy of the country based on graphs of the dynamics of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere are considered. The assessment and selection of the most optimal option is based on the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of Ukraine.
The types of electricity generation that most pollute the environment and those that practically do not pollute have been determined. The share of produced electricity accounted for by each type of generation and the dynamics of electricity production in recent years were considered in percentage terms. Also, this article provides an example of one of the countries abandoning nuclear energy, and what consequences this had for the energy balance and the development of a low-carbon economy. The most appropriate option for the development of power plants in Ukraine was determined and it was considered how in the future it is possible to increase the share of electricity produced at nuclear power plants and reduce the share of electricity produced at thermal power plants. The development of nuclear energy has a positive effect on the country's energy independence, so it must be developed and, if possible, switched to new types of reactors in order to make energy even more secure.
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