


valve motor, rectifier, inverter, thyristor converter, rectifier control methods.


A technique for selecting the electrical equipment of a valve motor with machine commutation has been developed, which takes into account the ways of controlling the inverter. The installed capacity of the electrical equipment of the valve motor (VD) is determined by technological requirements and depends on the structure of the converter, the method of commutation of the converter keys and the methods of controlling the inverter. The use of autonomous inverters with artificial switching, the keys of which are switched due to the reactive energy accumulated in additional switching devices, increases the utilization factor of the synchronous machine. However, in this case, the circuit becomes more complicated and the installed power of the converter increases. The use of IGBT transistors and IGCT thyristors leads to a significant increase in the cost of the equipment.

To reduce the influence of the rectifier VD on the network and match the drive voltage with the supply voltage, a matching transformer and reactive power compensation device may be needed. The amount of power of this equipment is affected by the method of controlling the rectifier, the nature of the engine load and the range of speed changes.

Voltage regulation of the rectifier can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. Several methods of asymmetric regulation are known, among which one of the most expedient is alternating. In the case of alternating control in the three-phase bridge circuit, an artificial zero circuit is created, as a result of which the duration of the current flowing through the secondary windings of the transformer becomes less than 2/3 of the half-cycle of the supply voltage. In addition, the energy indicators also increase, in particular, the reactive power consumption decreases and the shift and power coefficients increase.


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