



liquid purification, impurities, magnetic field, Lorenz force, paraboloid of rotation, focusing of impurities.


The importance of liquid purification leads to a decrease in the concentration of pollutants mainly in the stream during its use. This paper analyzes the relevance of document verification in accordance with existing legislation. An analysis of actual physical and chemical methods of liquid purification was carried out. The creation of a working chamber for the grouping of impurities for liquid purification is described. The result was achieved by electromagnetic influence on charged impurities. The scientific news of the study of the creation of a paraboloid of rotation of impurities has been created. The principle of operation of the cleaning system is shown on the example of the grouping of oil and water impurities. Research results show the possibility of liquid purification by controlling the trajectory of impurities. The work uses the Dini equation (Italian: Ulisse Dini) to describe the mathematical model of the grouping of impurities. A model of the trajectory of impurities in the LabVIEW shell was created. The possibility of further purification of the liquid by the method of electromagnetic grouping and subsequent removal of impurities from the flow was verified. The study takes place in the installation of inductance coils on the outer surface of the impurity grouping chamber. The trajectory of the movement of impurities in the magnetic field is determined. The electromagnetic influence on the charged impurities changes their trajectory and causes the impurities to move along the Larmor radius. When the magnitude of the electromagnetic field increases, the speed of movement of the impurity increases, and the radius of motion of the impurity decreases. It has been proven that impurities with a lower density are better concentrated in the center of the RKG. The parameters of the coils for creating an electromagnetic field are selected. The model of the rotation of oil impurities in the driver is reproduced on the model. The change in the specific conductivity of the water medium with increasing magnetic field induction was verified. At the first stage, we offer the construction of a stand for further purification of liquid by the method of electromagnetic grouping of impurities. Practical recommendations are given for achieving the efficiency of the electromagnetic method of liquid purification and its reuse.


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