



heat cost allocators, distribution accounting of heat energy, “parasitic” heat flows, individual control of consumption, individual accounting, vertical heating systems.


In this paper, a critical analysis of technical literature, methodological guidelines and rules, scientific work of Ukrainian and foreign experts on aspects of the organization of distribution accounting of thermal energy for heating in multi-apartment buildings with vertical heating systems is carried out. An important stage of the strategy for improving the building's energy performance is to organize individual control of energy consumption. For the organization of individual consumption control for heat energy in buildings with vertical heating systems, distribution accounting systems for thermal energy are becoming widespread. Within the framework of this study, a number of aspects and shortcomings in technical standards and legal acts regulating the rules for the organization of distributive accounting would be revealed. Three groups of aspects are defined: technical - related to the justification of using the method of distribution of heating costs according to the types of accounting, temperature measurement, rules for the place of installation of devices, and the presence of a significant number of correction coefficients; methodical - rules for organizing and conducting screenings, interpretation and consideration of correction coefficients, significant simplifications in determining important correction coefficients, lack of methodical provision to prevent abuse by consumers with individual heating systems in buildings; behavioral - the ability to monitor one's own savings, motivation for individual regulation, the presence of individual control over heating consumption without proper control of the temperature regime and flows between apartments causes the possibility of uncontrolled parasitic consumption of thermal energy at the expense of neighbors. Formulated aspects and shortcomings of the existing distribution accounting system require in-depth study in order to avoid unreasonable simplifications, improve the accuracy of the system, and increase the fair distribution of payment for consumed thermal energy among consumers.


Закон України «Про Фонд енергоефективності» від 08.06.2017 № 2095-VIII.

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