digital substation, reliability, information exchange protocol, principle of operation, world experience, intelligent transformer.Abstract
The development of technologies for the construction of digital substations is discussed in the article. The construction of a digital substation provides the following advantages. There are increasing the reliability of the equipment's functioning; reducing the costs of operating the equipment; increasing the efficiency of the use of the main equipment.
Modern information technologies and innovative approaches to solving the tasks of automation and management of power facilities, which allow creating new type substations, have been studied.
The principle of interaction of digital substation equipment is given.
The differences between digital substations and analog substations are shown. The principle of operation of classical and digital substations is presented.
The international experience of implementing digital substations is described.
Digital substation is one of the basic technologies of Smart Grid. The basis of the construction of a digital substation is the replacement of numerous connections made by wires for the exchange of traditional analog and discrete signals with a unified exchange of digital messages, which provide the possibility of distributed implementation of the functions of the substation automation system and full functional compatibility of intelligent electronic devices of various manufacturers.
The concept of "Intelligent" transformer is disclosed.
A step-by-step transition to a digital substation is presented.
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