
  • Denys Derevianko National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4877-5601
  • Oleksandra Perehuda National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Ukraine




Microgrid, monitoring systems, renewable energy sources, energy storage systems, prosumers.


In this paper, an analysis of the main requirements for control systems in Microgrid is conducted. The main objectives of the implementation of Microgrid systems were determined and, based on the performed analysis, the requirements for Smart-monitoring systems were systematized. The components of Smart-monitoring systems, which include: communication software platform, hardware communication platform and types of equipment of DG sources for Microgrid systems were analyzed. It is proposed to build Smart-monitoring systems for Microgrid systems on the basis of the SGAM model, taking into account various models of aggregation of different types of DG sources within the framework of Microgrid systems. The proposed structure of the Smart-monitoring system for Microgrid systems with various DG sources makes it possible to effectively aggregate DG sources and prosumers and to carry out effective dispatching of generating capacities based on market mechanisms of their interaction with consumers and among themselves.


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