automated system, complex of technical means, software and technical complex, working up to failure, reliability, intensity of failures, complex indicators of reliability.Abstract
In the modern industrial environment, automated equipment monitoring systems play an important role in ensuring the efficiency and safety of technological processes. However, ensuring the reliability of these systems requires careful calculation of complex indicators. Research is focused on the development of methodologies and algorithms for calculating the reliability of automated monitoring systems.
The article provides an overview of the comprehensive reliability indicators of the automated equipment monitoring system. First of all, the work defines the critical components of the system, evaluates their reliability and interaction. Reliability analysis methods include elements of probability theory and mathematical statistics. Among them is the calculation of the average time of failure-free operation, the probability of failure and other criteria that allow evaluating the functioning of the system in real conditions. In accordance with regulatory documents, a list of reliability indicators for equipment and the monitoring system as a whole has been created. The methodology for calculating complex indicators of the reliability of the automated monitoring system is given. An example of failure intensity calculation and complex reliability indicators for an analog measuring channel of an automated equipment monitoring system is given. The calculation example shows the estimated failure intensities of the components of the calculated analog channel and the total working time per failure.
Therefore, the research is focused on the development and optimization of methods for calculating complex indicators of the reliability of automated equipment monitoring systems, which helps to improve their functionality and ensures effective control of technical processes in industrial conditions.
Стандарт підприємства. Технічна політика НЕК Укренерго у сфері розвитку та експлуатації магістральних та міждержавних електричних мереж. СОУ НЕК 20.261:2023
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