energy management, software, electromechanical system, energy efficiency, client-server architecture.Abstract
In the modern world, it is not the possession of energy resources that occupy a dominant place, but innovative technologies for the efficient use of energy resources, renewable energy sources, means of intellectualization of energy supply systems and energy consumption. The philosophy of the competitive world has changed: from a society of unlimited consumption of resources to sustainable development, "green transition", "smart" energy consumption and, in the future, the active use of artificial intelligence. Under these conditions, the role of increasing energy efficiency is growing as the main factor that "entails" the modernization of the entire enterprise or the energy-efficient design of a new one, increasing production productivity and product quality, and improving the environmental situation. The principle of "Energy efficiency above all" should become the main slogan in the recovery of Ukraine’s economy and the transition from the raw material model of development to industries with a high degree of processing (mechanical engineering), which will allow, among other things, the development of the domestic military-industrial complex.
The greatest impact on the efficient use of electricity by the enterprise is caused by the energy efficiency of the electromechanical system (EMS) as the main consumer of electricity (more than 80% in industry). Intellectualization of electrical energy consumption involves the creation of a digital EMS energy efficiency management system in real time. Unfortunately, today the practice of assessing the energy efficiency of EMS has been established at best periodically, for example, during an energy audit. Therefore, the urgent task is to create intelligent systems for managing the efficiency of EMS electricity consumption and monitoring the factors that affect them: the quality of electrical energy, equipment loading and the technical condition of EMS. Modern developments in measuring and computing technology make it possible to create such systems, which consist of technical (current, voltage sensors, technological parameters of the production process) and software parts.
A promising tool for energy management is the introduction of intelligent EMS energy efficiency management systems based on client-server architecture with software separation of layers of business logic, data and presentation of results - determination of energy efficiency, other parameters for prompt response to an increase in power consumption, deterioration of technical condition or violation of the technological regime. Optimization of EMC power consumption, making informed decisions on their further operation by identifying uneconomical, inefficient, emergency operating modes, hidden defects by means of intelligent energy efficiency management systems also provides for the availability of information on instantaneous values of EMS current and voltage, calculation of parameters according to diagnostic and reference models in real time; detection of deviations of parameters from the established ones.
Intelligent EMC energy efficiency management systems using the MVC software architectural pattern allows you to introduce modern smart information technologies into the energy management system of the enterprise and automate the implementation of such components of the ISO 50001:2020 standard as the installation of an energy baseline, control of energy efficiency indicators, monitoring and necessary measurements to determine the level of energy efficiency, energy analysis, energy planning and formation of technical reports, etc.
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