Intelligent systems, solar power plant management, power system imbalance compensation, auxiliary services, transmission system codeAbstract
The article examines the load change schedule of the solar power plant in the Ukraine-Moldova energy union. The analysis of data averaged at minute and 15-minute intervals in the period from 01.10.2022 00:00 to 27.09.2023 14:00 was carried out. Changes to forecasting load changes at solar power plants in the short term are proposed.
Background. The increase in the share of solar electricity generation in the energy systems of the countries of the world leads to the need to control and manage the process of electricity production to increase the stability and sustainability of the energy system. A significant price for compensation of imbalances in the energy system is included in the tariffs, which affects the end consumers of electricity.
Objective: increasing the adequacy of the results of the distribution of deficit frequency containment reserves, frequency restoration reserves to compensate for imbalances that arise when generation is changed at solar power plants. Reducing the cost of compensation for imbalances that occur when changing generation at solar power plants. To solve the goal, it is necessary to analyze the mode of operation of the solar power plant and the amount of imbalances caused by the deviation from the generation schedule at the solar power plant and to develop new methods of short-term forecasting.
Methods: the social engineering approach of forecasting and modeling was used to analyze the processes affecting the method of controlling the generation schedule of the solar power plant.
Results. A new mathematical and technical solution is proposed for compensating the imbalance in the power system in case of a rapid change in the electricity generation schedule at solar power plants. For the first time, the electricity generation schedule at the solar power plant was analyzed and the rate of change of generation at different time intervals was determined. The electricity generation schedule at the solar power plant was analyzed and a new technical solution for forecasting and management of the generation schedule was proposed to be transferred to a higher level than the station one. Such a technical and mathematical solution can be widely used in the process of managing the schedule of electricity generation at solar power plants in many system operators in different countries of the world, where there is a problem of insufficient reserves for frequency support and restoration, and the amount of solar electricity generation has a significant share in the total amount of generation electrical energy.
Conclusions. Data on electricity generation at the B. solar power plant in the period from 01.10.2022 00:00 to 27.09.2023 14:00 were analyzed. According to the results of the analysis of the electricity generation schedule at the B. solar power plant, it is clear that the solar plants are not able to participate in the auxiliary services market because they do not meet the requirements of the transmission system code. A significant problem of solar power plants remains the instantaneous change in the value of electric energy generation, which at peak times reaches 84.377%/min of the maximum value of generation for the studied time period. It is possible to compensate for such imbalances by installing a ESS, but taking into account the specifics of the operation of the solar power plant, it can be concluded that a large-capacity ESS will be needed. Large-capacity ESS will significantly increase the cost and payback period of the solar power plant and will probably be unprofitable for the enterprise. As a result, it is proposed to move the process of generation schedule forecasting and management to a higher level than the station level.
[Electronic resource] Transmission system code. Version No. 1848 dated 12/27/2022-
[Electronic resource] Distribution system code. Version No.1575 dated November 29, 2022-
[Electronic resource] On the approval of the Market Rules. Version No. 1592 dated 29.11.2022 -
[Electronic resource] ENTSO-E official website
[Electronic resource] Energy market of Northern Europe
[Electronic resource] Northern European auxiliary services market by types of reserves -,SRL,MRL&markets=BALANCING_CAPACITY,BALANCING_ENERGY
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