About the Journal

The journal "POWER ENGINEERING: economics, technique, ecology" (Short title: Power Eng.: Econ., Tech., Ecol) is the scientific professional publication of Ukraine in the field of technical sciences. Scientific direction - energy and energy efficiency.

Registration number of the certificate on the state registration of the printed mass media of №R30-02396  dated 21.12.2023 decision № 1794

Category of readers: scientists, specialists on the subject of the journal, postgraduate students, students.

Frequency of release: 4 times a year.

Year of foundation: 2000.

ISSN: 1813-5420 (Print), 2308-7382 (Online).

Founder National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute". It is published according to the decision of the Scientific Council of NTUU "KPI".

Publisher National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute".

Publication language: Ukrainian and English.

Editor in chief Yu.I. Yakimenko

The journal is included in the list of professional editions of Ukraine in which the results of dissertation papers for obtaining the scientific degrees of a doctor and a candidate of sciences may be published in accordance with the Resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine dated 24.09.2020. No. 1188.

The journal is included in:

- Databases "Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine" NBUV;

- the Ukrainian abstract journal "Dzherelo" (IPRI NAS of Ukraine);

- electronic archive of scientific and educational materials of NTUU "KPI" ELAKPI;

- Scientific periodicals of Ukraine URAN (OJS);

- Google Scholar Scientific Search Engine;

-  WorldCat, BASE, Polska Bibliografia Naukowa,  Academic Keys.

Current Issue

No. 2 (2024): 76
Published: 2024-05-15



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Address of the editorial office 03056, Ukraine, Kyiv, 115 Borschagovska St., k.315,

 e-mail: zakladniy@gmail.com, sekrep@lll.kpi.ua