
  • Viktor Yosypovych Kshanovskyi



efficiency, electric heating, electric heat supply


It is considered conditions of maintenance of a heat supply at the expense of a current consumption under condition of impossibility to increase general system power expenses. The power production efficiency, transportations of the electric power and its accumulation by heat-sink power station is investigated. Also power efficiency of heating of constructions by organic fuel and electric energy with use of different systems of electric heating is investigated. Comparison of a power production efficiency of the electric power, and also consumption of fuel and the electric power for heating of premises, has given the chance to offer criterion of power efficiency of an electric heat supply. Its formulation: «the Electric heat supply is energetically effective then, and only when the quantity of the organic fuel replaced with it provides possibility of manufacture of the electric power in quantity, sufficient for maintenance of this heating and losses at its transportation to the consumer».


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