Assessment of energy characteristics of residential building and certification of energy efficiency




residential apartment building, energy efficiency, energy consumption modeling, energy certification


The cost of maintaining the construction fund in Ukraine is several times higher than in European countries. Given Ukraine's energy dependence, increasing the energy efficiency of housing is an extremely important issue. The greatest effect in the existing apartment buildings is achieved only in the case of integrated implementation of energy saving measures for fencing structures, utilities and equipment, and such projects require significant funds. To obtain funding from various investment funds and to be able to participate in state or local funding programs, it is necessary to perform an energy audit and justify energy saving measures, to assess the energy efficiency class of the building. For this purpose, an energy survey was performed using instrumental and analytical methods, as well as modeling of energy consumption in a specialized software product Audytor OZC. The geometric, thermal and energy characteristics of the building have been specified. To increase the level of energy efficiency, a set of measures is proposed, the possibilities of attracting investments for the implementation of energy efficiency measures are studied. The technical and economic analysis with use of engineering methods of calculation, experimental measurements, modeling is executed. According to modern requirements, a certificate of energy efficiency has been developed and the change of energy efficiency class in case of implementation of measures has been assessed. The result of the implementation of measures will be a reduction in the total consumption of energy resources, as well as the cost of paying for them, improving the conditions of the microclimate. Social aspect: participation in the investment project will allow residents to gain practical experience in implementing various projects in compliance with norms and procedures, increase consumer awareness of improving the condition of the building, energy efficiency and opportunities to reduce environmental impact.


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