


air exchange, natural ventilation, intermittent heating mode, EnergyPlus, energy saving


Modern results of Ukrainian buildings energy analysis show that 30-50% of the energy for heating goes to heat the supply air, and that is the largest share in the building energy balance. In terms of energy consumption, efficiency of the air exchange mode largely depends on occupancy schedule and air distribution in time and space. The application of air exchange schedule approach makes more sense in case when individual heating control is carried out. Therefore, during occupied hours, the comfortable ventilation level can be ensured, and, during unoccupied hours, it can be reduced to a minimum. According to the results of the study, the use of intermittent air exchange mode in the studied apartment on weekdays, leads to decrease in energy consumption compared to constant air exchange at the level of upper values of the ventilation schedule. In terms of energy efficiency, the use of the constant air change rate from ASHRAE Std 62 is the most efficient approach. In terms of indoor air quality and concentration of CO2 and VOCs, the scheduled air exchange approach with increased air change rates (from EN 16798) during occupied hours is more efficient. Therefore, the use of required and experimental air change rate values to create the hourly schedules allows to define more precisely a building energy consumption and to choose an optimal operation schedule for building engineering systems to provide thermal comfort and indoor air quality during occupied hours.


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ISSN 2308-7382 (Online)

Dr. Eng. Sc., Prof.,


Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof.,

I. Sukhodub, Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof., ORCID 0000-0002-5895-1306

ORCID 0000-0002-6640-103X

O. Yatsenko, Asst.

., ORCID 0000-0002-8001-5987

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