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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article with abstracts and author's information was sent to the editorial office per email,
  • The paper had not been previously published and submitted to editorial boards of other journals. (or the necessary explanations for the editor are given below in the comments).
  • The material of the article is designed according to the Authors Guidelines.
  • The abstract (1800–2500 symbols with spaces) contains the following information with titles: background, objective, methods, results, conclusions, keywords.
  • The article does not contain plagiarism and does not infringe the copyrights of third parties.
  • The authors agree to publish their material under the terms of theCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International

Author Guidelines

Requirements for registration of articles

To submit the manuscript to the journal, the authors must comply with all the requirements set out below.

In case of non-compliance of the submitted materials with the clauses of these requirements, and also if they do not correspond to the topics of the scientific journal, the editorial office will return the materials to the authors for revision!

Article volume

The total amount of the article - from 6 to 10 pages of A4 format. The pages are completely filled with text. Charts, figures, tables, and formulas should be numbered and placed in the text after references to them. The material should be presented in a concise manner, without repeating the data tables and figures in the text. It's inappropriate to use formatting elements such as "break a section from a new page" and footers.

The article should be thoroughly checked by the authors and meet all the requirements of the requirements, before the registration !!!!

Text Editor

The article is typed in the Microsoft Word word processor (version 2007 and above) and stored with the extension * .doc or * .docx.

Must be sent an article saved in the format * .pdf !!!

General design:

1) Language. Articles are accepted for printing in two languages: Ukrainian, English.

2) Page options:

Fields: Left, Right, Top, Bottom - 2.5 cm.
Alignment of the main text - in width.
The first lines of all paragraphs - with a deduction of 1,0 cm !!!
Font - Times New Roman, size 10, line spacing 1.
The title of the article is printed in bold (Caps Lock) bold letters (F) - font size 14.
Header elements of the main text (Introduction, Purpose and Tasks, etc.) are highlighted in bold (F).
3) Structure of the article:

UDC number (in the upper left corner of the page, in bold font size 10)
surnames of authors (for example: II Petrenko (ukr.),  I. Petrenko (english)) and information about the authors (scientific degree, academic rank); ORCID Index - Required;
(The order of registration of scientific degrees and academic degrees is described below in the same document in the section "Recommended reduction of scientific degrees and degrees").
full name of the organization (educational institution, institution) - alignment on the right edge;
abstract in the amount from 1000 to 1100 characters should reflect the brief content of the article, do not repeat the name, do not contain general phrases and be structured (the purpose of the study, the method of implementation, the results of the study, conclusions). In the English version of the article are abstract in the volume of 1700-2000 characters,
Keywords: (6-8 words), the phrase "Keywords" - bold + italics.
In accordance with the resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine No. 7-05 / 1 of 15.01.2003. Scientific articles with the following elements are accepted for publication:

The main text of the article

Introduction (formulation of the problem in general terms and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks; analysis of recent researches and publications, which initiated the solution of the problem, which is based on the author; the allocation of previously unsolved parts of the general problem, which is dedicated to this article );

Goal and tasks (formulating the aims of the article, setting the task);

Material and results of research (presentation of the main material of the study, with full justification of the scientific results, with the possible division into parts with corresponding names);

Drawings (diagrams, photos, etc.) are presented in a black and white image with the text, after references to them. Requirement for graphic materials: any illustration should be the only inseparable graphic object. It is recommended to use raster formats with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. The drawing should be centered without wrapping around the text. The captions for the drawings should contain the numbering in the order of placement in the text and the explanatory signature. It is not allowed to include captions to the drawing itself. The drawing should not occupy the entire area of the sheet !!!

Dots after the title of the structural parts of the article do not put.

Charts should contain all the axes in the picture. Any other sign of signature will not be considered and corrected!

Tables When filling, you should use a 10 font font. Each table should have a serial number and a title and be located after reference to it in the text of the article. If the table does not fit on the page or goes to another one, use the "Continuation tab" label.

Formulas must be typed using the formula editor Math Type (version 6.8 and above) or an internal formula editor in Microsoft Word with dimensions: the usual character is 11, the largest index is 10, the small index is 9. The Cyrillic and Greek characters must be typed in a straight line font , Latin letters - sloping. Exception is the symbols of operators and standard functions, which are typed in direct font. The numbering of the formulas to which the reference in the text refers is the case in brackets. Whole parts from the decimal are separated by a comma. Units of dimension can be typed separately from the formulas, or in formulas, with the obligatory use of the gap.

Conclusions: (to give the main conclusions of the study and the prospects for its further development in this direction).

List of used literature

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